Feature | Current Model | Prior Server (Until 1/2008) | Old Server (Until 6/2002) |
Processor | AMD Athlon Dual Core 5000+ | Intel P200 MMX | Intel P90 |
Motherboard | HP s3300f slimline | Dell Gs | Scavenged no-name |
CPU has f00f bug | no | yes | yes |
RAM | 2000 MB (!) | 64 MB | 48 MB (2x16MB SIMMs and 2x8MB SIMMs) |
Disk | Western Digital 500 GB SATA | Fujitsu 2 GB IDE | Seagate 2 GB IDE |
Ethernet | Onboard | No-name NE2000 clone | No-name NE2000 clone |
OS | CentOS 5 | RedHat Linux 7.3 | RedHat Linux 6.1, kernel 2.2.12 |
Why doesn't (the old one) have a cover on it? Honestly, we just never bothered to put the cover back after we finished fussing with it around December 1999. Linux being a rather dependable OS, we also don't bother with an easily accessible keyboard or monitor. The only time it needs attention from the console is to fix a hardware error, and that hasn't happened in months. And no, the 14.4 modem on the shelf next to the machine is not being used to connect to it. And yes, those are 8-inch floppy cases on the shelf above it. Old data never die. You can't quite see them, but there are boxes of punchcards just to the right of the 8-inch floppies. No, that is not a joke.
The site software is maintained by Dean Pentcheff <pentcheff@gmail.com> .