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Bayley Island, Australia

22 January 2025 - 26 January 2025

16.9000° S, 139.0667° E

2025-01-22 Wed 00:06 AEST   Moonrise
2025-01-22 Wed 06:26 AEST   Sunrise
2025-01-22 Wed 06:32 AEST   Last Quarter
2025-01-22 Wed 10:12 AEST   1.77 meters  Low Tide
2025-01-22 Wed 13:04 AEST   Moonset
2025-01-22 Wed 19:23 AEST   Sunset
2025-01-22 Wed 20:07 AEST   2.65 meters  High Tide
2025-01-23 Thu 00:42 AEST   Moonrise
2025-01-23 Thu 06:27 AEST   Sunrise
2025-01-23 Thu 08:06 AEST   1.67 meters  Low Tide
2025-01-23 Thu 13:54 AEST   Moonset
2025-01-23 Thu 19:18 AEST   2.84 meters  High Tide
2025-01-23 Thu 19:23 AEST   Sunset
2025-01-24 Fri 01:21 AEST   Moonrise
2025-01-24 Fri 06:27 AEST   Sunrise
2025-01-24 Fri 07:20 AEST   1.43 meters  Low Tide
2025-01-24 Fri 14:47 AEST   Moonset
2025-01-24 Fri 19:05 AEST   3.08 meters  High Tide
2025-01-24 Fri 19:23 AEST   Sunset
2025-01-25 Sat 02:05 AEST   Moonrise
2025-01-25 Sat 06:28 AEST   Sunrise
2025-01-25 Sat 07:19 AEST   1.18 meters  Low Tide
2025-01-25 Sat 15:43 AEST   Moonset
2025-01-25 Sat 19:14 AEST   3.32 meters  High Tide
2025-01-25 Sat 19:23 AEST   Sunset

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NOT FOR NAVIGATION. This program is furnished in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Do not use this program as a basis for any decisions that could result in harm to people, other organisms, or property. Check these predictions against officially sanctioned tables. Agencies like NOAA exist because there is a need for certifiably correct tide predictions. Do not rely on these predictions if you need guaranteed results. There is NO WAY we can get certified data on a zero budget. We rely on users like you to tell us when something is wrong. Please continue to do so.
Remember that weather conditions affect tidal ranges and current speeds, sometimes very strongly.

WWW Tide/Current Predictor: http://tide.arthroinfo.org
Dean Pentcheff <tidecomment@gmail.com>
Traditionally hosted from: Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208 USA